Saturday, June 24, 2006

Old Floor, New Floor

Originally posted on March 3, 2006

My wife has wanted wood floors since we moved into our town house about two years ago. Well, now she has them. Sit back and enjoy the photo montage of our flooring saga!

Way back in 1985 it was considered stylish to
paint your dining room with Pepto Bismol.

New floor and aesthetically pleasing paint

Yup, those are pink hearts on the wallpaper

New wood floor, meet old wood cabinets

Can you make out the ratty hard wood entryway?

Pay no attention to the debris. That floor is DONE

That's Vicki in a corner, that's her in the spot...light

Contrary to appearances, this is not an ad for Dyson
Vacuum Cleaners (although if it were, I would say
something like, "It's the best vacuum cleaner EVER!")

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