We saw quite a few trick or treaters this year. For the second year in a row, we handed out glow bracelets along with our candy. By the end of the night, we figured we had passed out a little over 100. Not a bad turn out.
I was very disappointed in the lack of decoration around our neighborhood. Our old nemesis in the HOA decorating contest had nary a thing. A new neighbor across the way went even farther than us, though. I have to tip my pirate cap at them for their effort. The yard looked great. They went for the spooky scary Halloween compared to our more harmless and fun decorations. One of these days when my daughters don't get nightmares from listening to an animatronic head in a globe, we may go spooky too.
It seems that Halloween decorations and costumes have gone waaaay downhill from my halcyon youth. I remember entire neighborhoods decorated with cobwebs, strobe lights, creepy music, and people hiding all over the place, just waiting to trigger juvenile cardiac arrests. Ah, those were the days. Of course, I also remember rushing from one house to the next in a desperate attempt to get as much candy as possible (how do you think I cultivated my lithe physique?) so the decorations were probably largely lost on me. Maybe it doesn't matter. Is it all about the candy?
My children certainly didn't suffer this year. Consider this, they first went trick-or-treating at the beginning of the month at Mickey's Not So Scary Halloween Party in Disney World. Then, last Friday, they got more candy at Vicki's kindergarten/1st grade school party. The next day, we took them to our church's trunk-or-treat, a miniature version of trick-or-treat out of the back of (mostly) decorated car trunks in the parking lot of our church. Of course, there was the booty from last night's circuit around the neighborhood. Finally, our own yearly Halloween party is this coming Saturday, complete with even more candy.
Dear Pediatric Dentist,
You're welcome.
I hope you had a happy Halloween yourself. I'll make sure we take plenty of pictures Saturday and get them uploaded. I finally chose a pirate costume this year. It may become my standby. Heck, maybe I'll incorporate it into my everyday wardrobe!
'I had just left a 30 year marriage, she showed up at the right time':
Person hits rock bottom and gets struck by the cat distribution system that
turns their life around
Hey, pals. You know that feeling when you're having a no-good, rotten day,
and nothing seems to be going your way? Now imagine that, except it's not
1 hour ago