Monday, September 25, 2006

Dr. Henry Killinger’s Magic Murder Bag OR I Know Why the Caged Bird Kills

Dr. Henry Killinger’s Magic Murder Bag OR I Know Why the Caged Bird Kills!

I know I’ve said it before, but I’ll say it again, I love Venture Brothers. Tonight’s episode was another phenomenal send up. First, we’re treated to The Monarch’s ultra-violent entrance into the lair of…his accountant. It looks like prison has hardened the pansiest villain in the guild. We also got to see Rusty’s long-anticipated reunion with Hank and Dean’s mom courtesy of a matchmaking Japanese demon. This puts to rest the theory that the boys were conceived and born in the lab once and for all. It also introduces a delightfully insane character that I hope will reappear in the future. Considering Rusty’s lack of action, I’m not completely sure why he doesn’t hook back up with her, crazyhead and all. Speaking of reunions, the oni’s counterpart, Dr. Henry Killinger not only rocked The Monarch’s cocoon (not nearly as nasty as it sounds,) but he reunited Monarch and Dr. Girlfriend. Now that the guy that writes way-too-specific poems about butterflies and the chick with the way-too-masculine voice are back together, the cosmos are once more at peace. Some good lines?

Brock: Jock rock my ass! Listen to those lyrics, man It’s all about love and
longing- Meep meep beep meep
Brock: Yes, and hobbits, too.

Rusty: You uh, you want to go halfsies on a skin flick?
Orpheus: …kaaaay.

Dean: How come we don’t remember her then?
Brock: You don’t remember because you’re clon…clooo…cl…cl
Rusty: Clo…clo…clo…whoops!
Hank: I can’t help feeling like we’re just not getting the whole story here, you know?
Dean: Right? Maybe she was telling the truth.
Rusty: Alright, so I [BEEP]ed her. What of it?
The visual gags were even better. I love Venture Brothers! Oh, and before I forget, Dr. Henry Killinger’s Magic Murder Bag would make an excellent name for a rock band.


Jon Maki said...

Dean: People usually only tie us up when they're going to kill us. Or ransom us.
Hank: Or touch us inappropriately.
Dean: When did that ever happen?
Hank: Oh come on Dean, are you repressing memories? Sgt. Hatred? Oh, right, you were passed out from the wine. It was pretty bad.
The episode also featured one of Brock's coolest moves ever as he flew backwards through the windshield, pinned her in place, and took control of the car.
And the Monarch's surprisingly effective entrance was only slightly marred by the fact that he was raiding his accountant's office rather than the headquarters of his arch-nemesis.
Dr. Henry Killinger is by far one of the most inspired characters of what has been an amazing season.

Merlin T Wizard said...

I agree on all points. You are a gentleman and a scholar, sir!