Monday, November 19, 2007

Wottsamattayou? Why You No Write?

I don't really know. We've had a couple of good episodes of The Office since I last reviewed. I could write about those. A few inconsequential things have happened in the past week an a half, I could write about those. I went to a company-sponsored bowling event, I could write about that. I spent the weekend with the kids while Stacy attended a scrap book retreat. I could write about that.

I find myself with a distinct lack of motivation for doing so, though.

Maybe it's because I'm recovering from the creeping crud I contracted last week. Maybe it's because I've become so dang busy at work that I feel any time taken from there just means more work I'll have to do later. Maybe it's my inherent laziness getting the better of me.

Not sure, but what it does mean is that it's been a while since my last update and I don't see myself changing that today. I'll see if I left any spare motivation in my desk and find some time to post later.

P.S. Anyone else find the swashbuckling pirate meez over there a little distracting? I may have to do something about him.

1 comment:

lbugsh2 said...

You should write more I like it. Karen likes it to. She reads your blog to keep up with us.